Artists & Collaborations
Follow on InstagramBokka Dioro is an elite Hip-Hop artist from Switzerland streamed on worldwide scale.
He has already expressed the appreciation and support for "Yonadis Eyewear". We are looking forward to collaborating on projects that are going to connect music and eyewear in a supporting and inspiring way.
Follow on InstagramHarry Singh also known as HMC, is a pioneer of the international music industry from the United Kingdom. HMC also dubbed the "global big hype specialist", has numerous worldwide No.1 hits and 25+ international releases. He has also expressed the support and appreciation for "Yonadis Eyewear". We are looking forward to sharing inspiring projects together.
Follow on InstagramION-BG is a next level artist when it comes to show Talent and Skill at extraordinary scales. He is a Hip-Hop artist, Pro - Dance artist and Instrumental artist originary from Moldova. ION-BG is a really gifted and hard working individual.
And yes, we were about to forget, Ion is a qualified Optician and he is the "Yonadis Eyewear" founder. So we can tell we're in good hands.
"HORA" Ensemble
Follow on Instagram and Facebook"HORA" is a traditional/folk dance ensemble from the United Kingdom formed by members of the Romanian diaspora in the UK who love their origins and the beauty of the Romanian traditional dances. We are glad and very excited that our paths are joining together in celebrating an inspiring and cultural connection between Eyewear and Traditional Dances.